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NAET Training and Clinic, Koramangala, Bangalore

Ministry with a difference——–NAET

What if tens of thousands of people around the world were to vouch for the fact that the key to freedom from illness was within the human brain itself? Incredible? Dr. Devi Nambudripad has successfully demonstrated the prowess of each human brain in healing the body of its ailments by means of a unique, non-invasive, pain free energy balance called Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques or NAET. NAET® was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad in 1983 and she has been treating patients with various allergies and allergy-based disorders ever since. She began NAET training to teach other health professionals in 1989. NAET® procedures have now been taught to more than 12,000 licensed healthcare professionals world-wide. She has written 16 books on NAET and related illnesses. This technique, adopts from ancient Chinese medicinal methods such as kinesiology, acupressure/acupuncture, and chiropractic techniques in combination with nutrition and allopathy. This treatment was first brought to India in 2003 by sister Naina, in her search for treating children with different disabilities. Of late, the clinic has been working from#798, 9th main, 3 block Koramangala, Bangalore . Sister Naina is an NAET Instructor too at present and trains many health professionals in India.

NAET® is a noninvasive, painless, drug-free, natural solution that can reduce or eliminate mild to moderate form of sensitivities, intolerances, true allergies (IgE mediated reactions), and allergy-based or allergy-triggered health disorders. NAET uses a blend of selective energy balancing, testing, and treatment procedures from Oriental medicine. According to NAET theory, most health problems that are not directly caused by traumas and injuries, are caused by some form of allergy, whether one realizes it or not. The main application of NAET® is to remove the adverse reactions between the body and other substances. The result is that the body recovers its natural ability to absorb and assimilate essential nutrients, and its natural ability to eliminate unwanted toxins as the body produces on a daily basis.”

The fight against children’s diseases, AUTISM, ADHD and ADD is the cornerstone of NAET. Their efforts have born fruit as a global study of the effectiveness of NAET against autism has been recognized and accepted and is published. Please refer to

To know more about naet, please contact 080-25504488/9482834283. Or go to or


Koramangala, B’lore- 34.
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Prison Ministry Bangalore

Prison Ministry in India is a National Voluntary Organization working for the release, renewal and rehabilitation of prisoners as well as women in distress. It has 850 units and more than 6000 volunteers.

Prison Ministry Bangalore Unit has more than 60 volunteers, priests, brothers, sisters, and lay people. Sister Subala is one of them. Five religious sisters rend full time service within the prison from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Other members of the unit, who have volunteered to conduct developmental and reformative programs, visit the prison on the days allotted to them. There are volunteers who are permitted to visit the prison weekly for prayer, counseling and guidance. “I was sick you took care of me;

In prison you visited me.” Mt.25:36

Sr. M. Subala shares her experiences as one working among the prison inmates:

“Inspired by Jesus’ words I started the prison ministry in 2005 with weekly visit, attending liturgical celebrations, weekly prayer meeting and sharing, monthly meeting of the prison ministry volunteers. I was asked to conduct Home Nursing class for men prisoners with practical experience of taking temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, bed making, bed bath etc. To those who completed the course successfully, certificates were given. Having had a little experience in part time service in prison ministry, I was inspired to extend my service to my brethren behind the bars. I was privileged to attend the one month training program for the full timers of Prison Ministry which gave me confidence to move around among the prisoners and help them in their needs. The Bangalore Central Prison is over-crowded with more than 5000 prisoners, men and women, both convicts and under trials”.

“Criminals should be treated as patients in the Hospitals and Jails should be hospitals admitting such patients for treatment and care.” – Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation.

“It is a beautiful gift of God to take care of people, men and women in jail. It is something beautiful for God and is a real gift.” – Mother Theresa.

“Have you visited the imprisoned lately, as Jesus told us to do? You might visit via pen.”– Sr. Mary Immaculee S.N.D. Toledo, Provincial House.

Sr. Mary Immaculee is 95 years old and is doing Prison Ministry by writing letters to the prisoners and praying for them.


Prison Ministry
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Hospital Ministry Sisters of Notre Dame, Koramangala

Sister Mary Sujaya writes:

“I have been blessed to extend my mission as a voluntary helper along with the ‘Help Line Group’ at St. John’s Medical College Hospital for three hours from Monday to Friday. The Help Line group consists of people of different age and experience who also are retired, unemployed, house wives etc. who want to spend their time fruitfully for others. As the name itself indicates, we just help people register their names, find the right doctor and locate the right place they may need to go because patients both rich and poor from all over the country land up at St. John’s.

Another service offered by this group is to assist the Public Relation Officers who take ‘Health Plan’ to the patients who need urgent help in investigations and treatment.

I find great joy and satisfaction in being of some help to the poor and needy patients in this city of Bangalore which is super fast in its growth and development. God bless my work!”