The second group of the Sisters in the Visitation Province gathered on the evening of December 27th 2014 for the Spirituality Renewal and Retreat animated by Sr.Sujita, the former Superior General, and Sr.Sneha and Sr. Madhuja, who attended the programme in Germany. The participants were enthusiastic to partake in the programme. Though the fifteen days seemed to be very long for them, as the days passed by the Sisters were effusively amalgamated into the program. The animators led the Sisters to a deeper understanding of our Roots, History, Charism, Spirit, Vowed life, Community life, Ministry and our devotion to Mother Mary and our Pioneers. The Spirituality Renewal was followed by eight days Retreat, which was based on the renewal. All of us experienced God’s presence deep within ourselves and have been enlightened to lead a meaningful life Sisters of Notre Dame. Our awareness also enabled us to reflect on our ministries and possibilities of starting and involving ourselves in to innovative and challenging ministries, especially to live like the poor and work among the poor.