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Enriching Seminar on Psycho- Spiritual Integration

A seminar on Psycho- spiritual Integration was organized for our Sisters who are seventy and above and for Sisters who are thirty and above in the month of June and July 2018. Fr. Jose Parapully SDB was the resource person and enlightened sisters on the topic: “Psycho- Spiritual Integration at Post- Middle Life.  The three-day session covered the sub-topics:  Aging Gracefully, Dynamics of Post-Middle Life, Moving Toward Integrity, Developing Relevant Spirituality; Spirituality of Diminishment, Spirituality of Slowing Down, Contemplative Spirituality and Centering Prayer. The Sisters participated whole-heartedly, and Fr. Jose presented the topic systematically interweaving one sub- topic to the next flawlessly. He enhanced the sessions with PPTs, several reflective questions, group-sharing and appropriate inspirational hymns.


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