Initiation Ceremony to Tertianship
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34) As Jesus was preparing his disciples for the mission, He took them to the mountain and prayed with them and sent them two by two. Likewise, Sr. Mary Sujita,our Tertian Directress has been preparing us spiritually to enter into Tertianship in order to have the Abba experience in our lives and to develop an intimate relationship with was a day of silence when we felt the spirit moving deep within us, leading us to prepare our selvesforthe final YES. On December 1st we, Srs. Mary Selvi, Lourde, Swarnalata, Premalata and Triveni from Visitation Province and Sister Mary Prima from Assumption Province formally entered into Tertianship. The prayer service began at 6:15 pm lead by Sr. Mary Sujita.We felt grateful to God for this day where we were called into intimate silence to experience the loving presence of God, also reminded of abundant blessings of Him in our lives. On this special day we cherished the preciousness of our vocation, and also felt Jesus enfolding us with his tender hands. It was a day of recounting God’s companionship and faithfulness during the past years of formation and His assurance for the future. The prayer service was very meaningful and inspiring. We, the Tertians participated in leading the prayers prepared by Sr.Mary Sujita. We were deeply moved during prayer as we sang the song, “Will you come and follow me” (The Summons). The following lines also are equally inspiring. “In your
company I’ll go where your love and footsteps show, Thus I’ll move, live and grow in you and you in me”. We have submitted our lives to God with total trust and we feel the full confidence that He will take care of us now and always. At the end of the prayer service each Tertian wasassigned with a Senior Sister, who is the wisdom figure to help us in our spiritual journey. Each Sister in the community came forward and blessed us. It was a delightful experience for all the Sisters in Visitation Province Bangalore to witness the initiation ceremony held for the first time in the Provincial House. In the previous years it used to be held in the Assumption Province Patna, this year the Covid-19 pandemic kept us within the walls of Provincial House The day ended with a delicious dinner around our convent portico. We thanked God and our dear loving Sisters who made this day an unforgettable one. Definitely, for us it was a fresh beginning in our spiritual journey.