Annual Retreat in Mysore and Bangalore
“The province retreat for the first group was held at Shalom Sadan, Mysore. The Sisters at Shalom Sadan, welcomed Sisters from all the communities with great joy. A group of thirty-three Sisters had an eight-day retreat from August 12th to 19th, facilitated by Father David Raju, CSsR. Retreat for the second group of Sisters was arranged in Bangalore Provincial House from 21st October to 28th October, and twenty-eight sisters attended it. The Sisters had only two sessions each day, with very enriching and educative inputs that helped them to deeply reflect and meditate on their identity as children of God.
While spending their time with the Lord, they recollected themselves and were renewed once more. The last day was dedicated to Mary, and Sisters were encouraged to remember and cherish what God has done for them through our loving mother.