The much awaited INFIRMARY for the Visitation Province Bangalore is ready and the day was perfect for the inauguration ceremony. June 17, 2023 is a red letter day in the history of Notre Dames and the infirmary is named Shalom Sadan which is adjacent to the existing convent inVijaynagar, Mysore. There are thirty one rooms including especially designed rooms for those who require assisted living. There is a beautifully designed chapel which radiates divine ambience inviting all to experience the celestial embrace. The community room and the refectory have an opening to the existing convent. Sisters from other Notre Dame communities reached in the morning. Sr. Mary Chetana had been already present since two days, prior to the function overseeing every minute detail, along with Sr. Mary Pushpa. Shalom Sadan is testament of love and dedication of Sr.Mary Chetana who persistently monitored the developments.
On the day of the inauguration ceremony the distinguished invitees included the architect, the site engineers, the contractors, skilled labourers, the parish priest, priests,religious sisters from the neighbouring places and the teachers. Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras was the main celebrant.
The ceremony started at 11:00 am as Sr.Mary Anjana welcomed all the invitees. Sr.Mary Chetana cut the ribbon signifying the formal inauguration which was followed by the blessing of the house by the Archbishop. The Holy Masswas concelebrated along with eight priests. During the Mass the Archbishop blessed the altar, the crucifix, the tabernacle and all the sacred articles. Sr.Mary Chetana thanked the good God for His uncountable blessings whileit was under construction and for all who were involved inthe work.Sr.Mary Pushpa was invited to felicitate the dignitaries. It was Sr.Mary Pushpa who relentlessly supervised the construction at the site over a year. The ground breaking ceremony was held on 25th March 2022 on the Feast of Annunciation. On April 25th a month after the ground breaking ceremony, foundation stone was blessed by Fr. John Sequera. After the felicitation,the sumptuous lunch was served. With a deep sense of gratitude, we entrust Shalom Sadan through the maternal care of Mary and pray that all who live here may enjoy warmth and comfort.