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While the third wave of the pandemic had hit India, the associates were blessed to start 2022 with renewing their Covenant at the Notre Dame Convent. Despite weekend curfews and a change of date, Sister Mary Rosilin managed to get almost all the 1st and 2nd batch of associates together for Mass and Covenant renewal on 14th January, at 6:45 am – renewal after a 2 year long wait. Fr. Felix celebrated the Holy Mass and inspired associates to carry on their journey of the Notre Dame Charism -“a deep experience of God’s goodness and provident care”. The celebration was enhanced by jubilant singing led by Mr. Vijay on the guitar and the offertory procession by the Associates. Sister Mary Chetana’s message with the ND Chapter theme, “Renew the face of the earth and cultivate a culture of encounter and caring” was very inspiring. The Mass was followed by a photo session and a sumptuous breakfast that the Sisters very affectionately put together for the associates. We are truly thankful for the many blessings, prayers and opportunity of coming together and rejuvenating ourselves.